Paulina Anne Nassif, Gavin Nassif, Colin Nassif, Christian Nassif

Paul Sabin Nassif is a plastic surgeon and media personality based in the States. He is an expert in rhinoplasty. Nassif belongs to the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.

Paul Nassif who is said to have Lebanese and Egyptian ancestry married his longtime girlfriend Adrienne Maloof, co-owner of several Maloof companies, two decades ago in May.

Their union was blessed with three sons and subsequently had a girl just a year ago with another woman.

Paul Nassif Children: Paulina Anne Nassif, Gavin Nassif, Colin Nassif, Christian Nassif

Interestingly, the 60-year-old American plastic surgeon had filed for divorce from Adrienne a decade ago. Gavin, Colin, and Christian are the couple’s three sons.

Lisa Meyer, Nassif’s lawyer, claimed that Maloof repeatedly verbally and physically abused him in front of their children.

Nassif married Brittany Pattakos, a CoolSculpting Specialist, on June 1  three years ago in Santorini, Greece. It is from this union he had his only daughter Paulina Anne who is now barely two years.
