Azealia Banks launches vile rant against Irish people and then asks Conor McGregor to save her from

Rapper Azealia Banks appealed to Irish mixed martial artist Conor McGregor to "help her" after a few days of a foul-mouthed social media rant aimed at the Irish people.

Banks itinerary to play at the Academy in Dublin on Tuesday night didn't go smoothly, and trouble started in London itself as she got involved in a fight with an Aer Lingus stewardess on her flight from London's Gatwick Airport to Dublin on Monday morning.

The rapper had to deplane and took a car and ferry to reach Dublin. Following this Banks called the Irish "f****** ugly" on the social media platform. Banks played her concert, which many called electrifying, but it seems she was not done with the Irish.

She also branded the people of Ireland as "inbred", "leprechauns", and even asked them if they "had a famine to go die in" in a series of social media comments. During the the vile rant, McGregor had watched the 27-year-old rapper's Instagram story and messaged her saying: "hahaha. See you soon."

Banks then replied by begging the MMA star to help her by writing: "Conor they are bullying me. Help me:("

are any of us gonna talk about how fucking disgusting disrespectful and rude azealia banks is? im irish and im super fucking offended by her telling us that we have “a famine to go die in” and that we are all imbred and ugly. such a despicable human being. fuck you

— 𝘢𝘰𝘪𝘧𝘦 | 𝟏𝟔𝟐 (@spidxychlle) January 24, 2019


She proceeded to reference the Great Famine of Ireland, which took place from 1845-49 and saw around a million Irish people die of starvation and disease, by writing to one follower: "Don't you have a famine to go die in?"

She responded to another follower in an offensive way by saying: "Because most of you can't talk or write lol. You lot are a bunch of prideful inbred leprechauns who have ZERO global influence and ZERO white privilege. The rest of the world's white folk don't want to associate with you lot at all and it's because you are barbarians."

Banks continued with her rant by saying: "I'm happiest knowing the Irish are quarantined on an isle so they can continue to inbreed and keep their defective genes away from humanity."

Sandwiched between the horrible rants was her electrifying show in Dublin which she dedicated to "beautiful Irish women". She took to the stage and told the crowd: "I want to dedicate this to all the beautiful Irish women that are here."

Meanwhile, a screenshot that Banks put on her Instagram page shows the statement from Aer Lingus confirming that she left the flight on Monday morning.

Banks wrote: "People are so addicted to Azealia Banks trauma porn that they hop on ANY opportunity to try and make it seem like my life is all sad and horrible. I’m FINE GUYS! I didn’t get kicked off the plane. I got off the plane on my own. When I got off the plane they kept chastising me and saying they were gonna call the police (for no reason) and it made me cry."

The flight was supposed to leave Gatwick for Dublin at around 10:55 am but became delayed for more than an hour while the rappers bags were being unloaded from the flight.

A passenger on the flight, who asked not to be named, said: "To be honest with you I think the airline staff were a bit aggressive and confrontational with her.

"They were asking Azealia if she was going to be trouble before we had even taken off, which only escalated the situation. Azealia was at the front of the plane and the stewardess was trying to hurry her along. She said the attendants were harassing her and I think they were a bit heavy-handed." 
