5 chilling details about Christina Morris' murder

In August 2014, following a night out with friends, 23-year-old Fort Worth resident Christina Morris mysteriously disappeared. Later, CCTV footage helped identify the prime suspect as her one-time acquaintance, Enrique Arochi. The two were seen walking together and entering a parking lot in the early morning, which was the last time Morris was seen alive.

Arochi was subsequently found guilty of kidnapping after authorities found solid evidence linking him to the disappearance, and the investigation to find Morris continued. Later in 2018, her skeletal remains were located by construction workers in a wooded area in Anna, Texas.

Dateline: Secrets Uncovered will dive back in time to re-examine Christina Morris' missing person case and subsequent murder. The episode, titled Frantic, airs on January 31, 2023, at 9 pm ET. The synopsis of the episode says:

"After Christina, the twenty-three-year-old fashionista, goes out to a high-end shopping mall on a Friday night and vanishes, police question everyone; they know someone is lying, but not who."

The Christina Morris case: Five quick facts to know about the disappearance and murder of the Fort Worth woman

1) Christina Morris had returned to her hometown of Plano when she disappeared

Morris, a Plano native who used to live in Fort Worth, Texas, was back in her hometown for the Labor Day weekend at the time of her disappearance. She reportedly went for a night out with friends and was last seen alive near The Shops at Legacy at 3.55 am on August 30, 2014. Not long after, she was reported missing, and her car was found in a parking garage three days later.

2) Morris' then-boyfriend Hunter Foster was the initial suspect in her disappearance

Hunter Foster, Christina Morris' then-boyfriend, was the first suspect authorities believed was involved in her disappearance. He initially resisted providing them access to his phone and only handed it over after having deleted a few messages. He was, however, arrested and convicted on drug charges after he sold drugs to a federal agent working undercover on the evening of August 29.

Foster then gave the names of two individuals he claimed to have been out with the night Morris went missing as part of his alibi information to the police. Authorities eventually dismissed him as a suspect after searching through mobile phone data, toll road records, and speaking with witnesses.

3) Surveillance footage led authorities to Morris' one-time acquaintance Enrique Arochi

Authorities obtained surveillance footage that showed Christina Morris and a man, later identified as her one-time acquaintance Enrique Arochi, walking towards the parking garage at The Shops at Legacy in Plano at 3.55 am on the day the 23-year-old disappeared. He was the last person to have seen her alive.

Arochi's 2010 Chevrolet Camaro was seen leaving the garage within a few minutes. However, the duo's cell phone data revealed that they were together for an hour later. Investigators also found Morris' DNA on the mat in Arochi's car trunk. He was arrested and charged with aggravated kidnapping.

4) Enrique Arochi was found guilty of the kidnapping charge about two years later

In September 2016, Arochi's case went to trial. After 17 hours of deliberation, a jury found him guilty of aggravated kidnapping in Christina Morris' 2014 disappearance based on evidence provided by prosecutors.

His defense tried to discredit the prosecution's case, claiming that the evidence was circumstantial and lacked "evidence of what, when, where, or how." Enrique Arochi was sentenced to life in prison, and the search for Morris continued.

5) In 2018, Christina Morris' remains were found in a wooded area in Anna, Texas

Over three years after her disappearance, Morris' skeletal remains were unearthed by construction workers in a wooded area located in Collin County in Anna, Texas. Authorities had already conducted a thorough search for Morris in that particular area where the bones were eventually discovered. They were in an Anna neighborhood where new homes were being constructed.

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