Who are Carla Halls parents? Crazy Delicious viewers talk Tracee Ellis Ross look-a-like Mon

Crazy Delicious launched to Netflix on Wednesday, June 24th following a slightly successful run on British network Channel 4 in January 2020. Now, the bizarre cookery show has found favour with its international audience, with viewers binge-watching the entire first season and demanding more.

The show welcomes three amateur cooks to their edible set in each episode, as the contestants then battle it out for the coveted ‘golden apple’ prize. Whoever conjures up the craziest and tastiest creation wins.

Presiding over the show are three ‘food gods’; an elite panel of culinary experts from around the world. We have Michelin-starred British chef Heston Blumenthal, experimental Swedish chef Niklas Ekstedt, and beloved American TV chef Carla Hall.

Many Crazy Delicious fans have questions about Carla Hall’s parents, given her likeness to a famous actress. So, who are Carla’s parents?

https://www.channel4.com/press/image-search?search=crazy%20deliciousCarla Hall

Who are Carla Hall’s parents?

Little is known about Carla’s father but we do know about her mother. Carla’s mother is called Audrey Hall and she is a retired nurse from Nashville, Tennessee.

Although Carla Hall has said little on her father, we do know that she has a father-in-law.

In December 2010, Carla tweeted: “My father-in-law and I made chicken and dumplings.”

Who is Carla Hall’s mother, Audrey?

When Audrey retired as a nurse, she wanted to use her medical background for continued good and to help her community. Audrey joined her local AARP chapter, becoming the associate lead of the Regional Impact Team. She organises talks and health fairs to advise seniors about their healthcare.

Carla’s mother has made TV appearances before, having been on Carla’s show The Chew in December 2011.

Carla often speaks about her mother on social media and the two are evidently close.

  • READ MORE: Get to know Crazy Delicious chef Carla Hall’s husband
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Happy Mother's Day to the incredible woman, Audrey Hall, who has always been my biggest fan from DAY 1. Thank you for always leading with kindness and love. . . . 📷: @matthewdlyons #mothersday #moms

A post shared by Carla Hall (@carlaphall) on May 12, 2019 at 6:25am PDT

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Carla Hall and Tracee Ellis Ross: Look-a-likes

There are plenty of look-a-likes in Hollywood from Javier Bardem and Jeffrey Dean Morgan to Zooey Deschanel and Katy Perry. Carla Hall and Tracee Ellis Ross had featured heavily on many Hollywood look-a-like lists.

The confusion over Carla Hall’s parents has been ongoing since she appeared on Top Chef and then The Chew. Since 2011, many have thought Carla was a doppelgänger for Diana Ross’s daughter, Tracee Ellis Ross. The two women are, in fact, friends. Tracee even appeared on Carla’s show The Chew. 

One Twitter user wrote in 2013: “Am I the only one who thought Carla Hall was Diana Ross’ daughter?” Another wrote: “Just found out Carla hall is in fact Carla hall and not Tracy Elisa Ross. [sic]”

When Carla was on The Meredith Vieira Show in 2015, she mentioned the look-a-like problem. Carla said that Tracee also gets confused as Carla Hall.

  • NETFLIX NEWS: Is the Crazy Delicious prize really just a ‘golden apple’?

Is it just me or does ABC's The Chew's Carla Hall look just like Diana Ross' daughter, super fab actress @TraceeEllisRoss ???

— Tearsa Smith (@TearsaSmith) October 19, 2011

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