'New Amsterdam' Season 2 Episode 15: Max and Alice's passionate kiss leaves Dam Fam fuming

Max Goodwin finally got some romantically after a tough season but fans are not happy with this romance subplot. It's not that they don't want him to be happy, they just really want him to be happy with someone else — Helen Sharpe to be precise.

This week, after an absolute whirlwind of a day at the hospital, Max meets Alice. Alice looks beautiful when she arrives at Max’s door, after a date and he ends up calling her "serious" in a moment of being awestruck. She tells him he's got yam on his face and that it looks good. She wipes it off and sparks fly. She leans in for a kiss and the episode fades out with them kissing tightly pressing their bodies together. 

"Dear New Lady with the Baby, He's already taken. Leave Max Alone. Signed, #TeamSharpwin," tweeted a fan as another said, "You telling us we can't have good slow burn #Sharpwin? when they killing off the wife and Sharpe's BF is gone to give us babysitter lice plot for #Max?" 

"Just so we're clear when we said we wanted a kissing scene, we meant between Max and Helen! Get it right next time!#NewAmsterdam" tweeted another.

"NewAmsterdam peeps be like: we got renewed for 3 seasons at once so now let's serve this bland meal no one asked about and keep this tasty well-seasoned awesomeness that is #Sharpwin in the freezer Shaking My Head," tweeted another.  

A fourth fan said, "I don't have any faith now it they gonna do right by #Sharpwin during the gala episode. I will keep my expectations extremely love since #NewAmsterdam all about foolery these days."

Some fans said although they did not dislike Alice as a character, Max belonged with Helen. "Ok I get that Alice is sweet and whatever but like... the chemistry between Max and Sharpe is off the charts and in my eyes nothing can compare to them #NewAmsterdam," they said.

Another tweeted complaining that the show was cutting out scenes with the two together, "Like 90% of the fandom: We don't want Max with Alice. They have no chemistry and you've been teasing #sharpwin since the beginning so just let it happen instead of whatever this is. The writers: Oh, you want less scenes with Helen and him to kiss Alice? Okay! #NewAmsterdam" 

We know Max and Helen care deeply about each other and we know that there's a possibility that they are the endgame, but how long before they find their way to each other? 

Catch 'New Amsterdam' on Tuesdays at 10 pm ET on NBC.
