25 Life Lessons Sofia Vergara Can Teach Us

Sofia Vergara

She is one of the most famous actresses in Hollywood, and it’s understandable why this is true. Sofia Vergara burst onto the scene when she was cast as the much younger wife of an older man on the hit comedy, “Modern Family,” and now she’s everywhere. She’s a model, she’s in films, she’s all over the world with her hot boyfriend, and people cannot get enough of the Colombian beauty. Her accent is thick, and her timing is perfect. She’s so gorgeous that you just want to hate her, but her personality is so funny and so fabulous that she makes it impossible – and she’s smart enough to give us some serious life lessons.

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Sofia Vergara

Beauty Happens at All Ages

She’s not in her 20s – or even 30s – anymore, but that doesn’t stop Vergara from embracing her body, her looks and her life. She’s a gorgeous woman and she’s not afraid of age when it comes to her looks. She’s been open about the fact that she will use plastic surgery to keep her looking good when the time comes, but she’s not going to change her looks all together. She’s a great example of the fact that you only get better with age, and that women don’t stop being sexy after a certain birthday.

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Sofia Vergara

Red Lipstick is Always Appropriate

There are few occasions in which Sofia Vergara does not rock red lips, and we love that. She’s been teaching us for years now that red lips are always gorgeous, classy and elegant. It doesn’t matter if it’s the middle of the day, a red carpet event a night or just a casual run to the supermarket – if you can rock the red lips, you should certainly do so. It’s a very feminine look that more women should embrace.

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Sofia Vergara

Funny is Good

Sometimes people forget that women have more than just good looks to offer. Sofia Vergara is a woman who is so beautiful she doesn’t actually need to do anything else for people to love her, but she does. She’s funny – and she’s proud of that. She’s not afraid to speak up, to state her opinion, or to tease others. She’s got great comedic timing and she is hilarious. There’s nothing wrong with a funny woman, and she’s proof that even gorgeous women can be hilarious (this is something many people don’t believe).

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Sofia Vergara

Confidence Is Key

Sofia Vergara has no reason not to be confident. She’s the star of one of the most popular television series in the world, she’s gorgeous, she’s funny and she’s got everything she ever wanted. But you know what? She’s always been a confident woman. Even before she was famous, she was confident. And that works for her. It’s something we can all take a lesson in being; confident. It’s not hard to have some serious confidence and ignore the little voices that tell us we aren’t good enough. Tell them to shut it, and take a lesson from Vergara.

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Sofia Vergara

Embrace Yourself

You don’t have to be like everyone else in the world to be considered beautiful. While Vergara is in amazing shape, she’s not a stick figure supermodel with bones poking out of her chest. She’s got curves, and she’s got them in all the right places. She’s very proud of her curvy, lush body and she’s not afraid to embrace that. Thin is not in unless it’s your natural body shape. We all have a different body, and we should embrace it as it is.

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Sofia Vergara

Ignore the Trends

Sofia Vergara does not follow trends. She does not wear things that don’t look good on her. In fact, she’s been very vocal about the fact that she has a very specific style and that it’s not at all trendy. She knows what looks good on her, and it’s classic, elegant, timeless looks. She embraces that, wears those things and ignores trends that simply don’t look good on her. You can have all the style in the world without embracing the trends.

Take Coco Chanel’s Advice

Vergara says something that makes a lot of sense. She is always telling people to do what Coco Chanel said, and remove that last piece of jewelry before you leave the house. It’s a great way of ensuring you’re not wearing too much or being too over the top. The last piece you put on, take off before you walk out the door and you should have just enough on to look amazing. It’s sage advice we should all follow.

Sofia Vergara

Dress for You

Most women dress for other women. We don’t dress for ourselves, but Sofia Vergara says she always dresses for herself. She says she knows most women wouldn’t wear what she wears, and they often judge her for what she wears, but she doesn’t care. She loves what she wears because it makes her feel good. And when she feels good, she can have a good time and enjoy herself. It’s a great way to go about looking at things. Do what makes you happy and others will follow suit.

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Sofia Vergara

Try a Little

Sofia Vergara has a little something to say about laziness and women who don’t try. “The most important thing, is for a woman to try a little. It doesn’t mean you have to be perfect of have great abs, but don’t walk around the house with no bra…” she says of women who don’t try to at least look a little good when they’re out and about. It’s a great lesson in life. When we try a little, we feel good and it can change our entire outlook on life.

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Sofia Vergara

Healthy is Sexy

If this isn’t the best lesson in life, we don’t know what is. Sofia Vergara is an advocate of good health. She’s been known to say she believes that the sexiest, most beautiful women in the world are the ones that are healthy and fit. She thinks a woman who takes care of her body and enjoys life in a healthy manner is far more gorgeous than the woman who wears a sample size and starves herself to look the way she does.

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Sofia Vergara

Eat the Cake

Sofia Vergara recently admitted she’s obsessed with cake and tries to eat it often. She says she likes to stay fit, so she does indulge in moderation, but she will never, ever say  no to a piece of cake when it’s offered. It’s a great way to live, don’t you think? We all say no to things that make us happy on occasion because we feel it’s off-limits or not good for us, but let’s stop doing that and enjoy (in moderation, of course).

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Sofia Vergara

Make Yourself Happy

Vergara doesn’t believe that people should be unhappy. While she understands that there are always situations that can make you unhappy, she doesn’t believe you should dwell on them. She believes you should pick yourself up, get going and stop fretting about life and find a way to make yourself happy. If that means making changes, make them. Change is good – especially when you decide to make it.

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Sofia Vergara

Don’t Worry about Others

Who cares what other people think? Vergara doesn’t. She says that people have mean things, negative things and hateful things to say to her all the time, and she ignores it. She feels that people who have no control over what they say or write, or people that can’t be nice and keep their rudeness to themselves have no self-confidence or ability to filter because they’re unhappy with themselves. She says remembering this is a great way to brush off the hurtful things others think.

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Sofia Vergara

Have Fun

Life isn’t worth living if you’re not having fun. She believes in hard work, but Vergara says she doesn’t believe that life should be all about working hard and getting better or making more money. She says that you have to enjoy your success at every level, or you’re never going to be happy. She believes in having fun and enjoying life, because life isn’t worth it if you don’t enjoy it.

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Sofia Vergara

Family First

She’s a family person all the way. She has a son and a big family, and she spends as much time with them as possible. Vergara believes that there is nothing in life as important as your loved ones, and she believes in spending time with those people no matter how much your opinions differ or how much you want to scream when you are with them. Vergara teaches us that family is important, even when they make you nuts.

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Sofia Vergara

Rest is Necessary

Most of us forget this on a regular basis. After all, with kids, spouses, homes, work and so many other activities going on in life, it’s easy to forget to rest and take care of ourselves. There’s never any time to sit down, relax and just enjoy the moment, but Vergara believes that you have to make time to do absolutely nothing, because rest is vital to your health and happiness.

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Sofia Vergara

Take Care of You

It’s not selfish to take care of yourself. It’s actually the most important thing you can do in life. We tend to forget that sometimes we have to take care of ourselves before we can adequately take care of others. Our lives are so busy doing everything for everyone that we forget that we are better at taking care of everyone else when we remember to take care of ourselves. It’s a great lesson –let’s not forget it.

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Sofia Vergara

Women Can Do it All

She’s a mother and a famous actress, and she didn’t really become famous when she was very young. She’s only been famous for the past few years, since she received a starring role in Modern Family, and that’ something interesting. She shows us that women can do it all. They can be parents, and women and successful and beautiful and funny at the same time. There is no reason to think otherwise.

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Sofia Vergara

Sarcasm is Funny

There are so many of us that use sarcasm as a second language, and there are so many people in the world that assume sarcastic people are unhappy, mean or just plain stupid. It’s not true. Most of us are sarcastic because we find ourselves hilarious. Others are sarcastic because we encounter stupidity everywhere we go. As a famous personality, we imagine this is why Vergara is sarcastic. However, she shows the world that it’s fine to use sarcasm regularly, and it doesn’t mean you’re an awful person.

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Sofia Vergara

Heels are Feminine

It’s rare to see Sofia Vergara in anything other than a pair of heels. And while many of us feel the same way and like to wear our heels often, many women feel that those who wear heels on a regular basis are trying to prove something. Maybe we are, and maybe we aren’t. Whatever the case, Vergara makes it a statement that there is nothing wrong with wearing heels to the supermarket at 10 am; and we love that.

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Sofia Vergara

Bold is Beautiful

So many people think that the only way to be a lady is to be quiet and demure, but Vergara manages to prove us wrong all the time. She is the epitome of a lady, and she’s bold. It’s something that makes her beautiful. She’s the kind of woman that is going to make you think twice about the fact that you are quiet at dinner parties and meetings simply because you think it is what’s expected of you. In fact, it’s just not the truth at all.

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Sofia Vergara

Success is Paramount

Vergara has said more than once that she feels that her success is something she worked hard for, and that her success is paramount to her happiness. She worked hard to become the famous actress she is today, and she believes that success is something we all have to achieve, no matter what career path or industry we are in; and she’s right. If we don’t succeed, we are always going to feel as if we are missing something important from our lives.

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Sofia Vergara

Failure is Okay

So, no one likes to fail – even Sofia Vergara. However, she’s taken a few lessons from her failures and turned them into successes. She doesn’t let the fact that she’s failed in her life stop her from becoming a successful woman. She learned a valuable lesson from each failure and she’s not afraid to use those lessons to further her career and become a more successful, more knowledgeable person. We could all use this as a lesson.

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Sofia Vergara

Looks Don’t Matter

Before you get all huffy and, “What does this mean? She’s gorgeous,” just hear me out. In Hollywood, it’s not always easy for people who aren’t blonde-haired and blue-eyed and equipped with a soft, lovely voice to be cast as a leading lady, or made famous. It’s just the way it is. However, Vergara has managed to show the world that you don’t have to be a blonde-hair blue-eyed beauty to make it. You can be anything you want; and it doesn’t matter if you don’t look a certain way.

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Sofia Vergara

You Can Have it All

So many people feel like they have to sacrifice some of the things they want for the things they really want in life. They might feel they have to sacrifice a relationship, or children, or their career to be good at one thing. However, it’s not the case. You can be anything you want and you can do it all and have it all in life. She is living proof of that, and don’t let anything or anyone make you feel as if you can’t have it all when you are working hard in your own life.

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