Who is Kathy Laurinaitis? Age, children, face surgery, net worth

John Hodger Laurinaitis, born July 31, 1962, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is an American retired professional wrestler better known by his ring name Johnny Ace. He is currently the general manager of talent relations for WWE. He has competed for World Championship Wrestling (WCW), All Japan Pro Wrestling (AJPW), and WWE.

He is the brother of Joe (Road Warrior Animal; one half of the former WWE tag team The Road Warriors) and Marcus, as well as the uncle of former NFL player James Laurinaitis. For eight years in WWE, Laurinaitis worked in the talent relations office and as an occasional professional wrestler from 2011 to 2012. Following his on-screen firing, he transitioned from his corporate backstage function to that of a producer. Laurinaitis was a WCW executive before joining WWE.

John Laurinaitis wife: Who is Kathy Laurinaitis?

Kathy Colace is John Laurinaitis’s wife. They tied the knot on March 24, 2016. She is the mother of the well-known Bella Twins, Brie and Nikki Bella. She also has a son named JJ Garcia. According to reports, the couple got engaged on September 3rd, 2015.
