How old is Kathleen Nolan? When is Kathleen Nolan's birthday? Where is Kathleen Nolan born? Where did Kathleen Nolan grow up from? What's Kathleen Nolan's age?
Kathleen Nolan Born: 1933 (age 90years), St. Louis, MO
Is Kathleen Nolan married? When did Kathleen Nolan get married? Who's Kathleen Nolan's married to? (Who's Kathleen Nolan's husband / wife)?
Kathleen Nolan Spouse: Richard Heckenkamp (m. 19621965)
How about Kathleen Nolan's parents?
Kathleen Nolan Parents: Stephen Ellsworth, Clara Kennedy
Does Kathleen Nolan have any children? What are the names of Kathleen Nolan's children? What are the ages of Kathleen Nolan's children?
Kathleen Nolan Children: Spencer Garrett
Who did Kathleen Nolan play on Bewitched?
She volunteers to direct a local amateur production to raise money for the Grange. Just before The Real McCoys ended as an ABC series, Nolan quit the series due to a contract dispute and was written out of the remaining scripts; her character died, but details were never given.
What happened to Kathleen Nolan on The Real McCoys?
She volunteers to direct a local amateur production to raise money for the Grange. Just before The Real McCoys ended as an ABC series, Nolan quit the series due to a contract dispute and was written out of the remaining scripts; her character died, but details were never given.
Why did Kate leave The Real McCoys show?
She volunteers to direct a local amateur production to raise money for the Grange. Just before The Real McCoys ended as an ABC series, Nolan quit the series due to a contract dispute and was written out of the remaining scripts; her character died, but details were never given.