Fame | Kathleen Nolan net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Kathleen Nolan? When is Kathleen Nolan's birthday? Where is Kathleen Nolan born? Where did Kathleen Nolan grow up from? What's Kathleen Nolan's age?

Kathleen Nolan Born: 1933 (age 90years), St. Louis, MO

Is Kathleen Nolan married? When did Kathleen Nolan get married? Who's Kathleen Nolan's married to? (Who's Kathleen Nolan's husband / wife)?

Kathleen Nolan Spouse: Richard Heckenkamp (m. 19621965)

How about Kathleen Nolan's parents?

Kathleen Nolan Parents: Stephen Ellsworth, Clara Kennedy

Does Kathleen Nolan have any children? What are the names of Kathleen Nolan's children? What are the ages of Kathleen Nolan's children?

Kathleen Nolan Children: Spencer Garrett

Who did Kathleen Nolan play on Bewitched?

She volunteers to direct a local amateur production to raise money for the Grange. Just before The Real McCoys ended as an ABC series, Nolan quit the series due to a contract dispute and was written out of the remaining scripts; her character died, but details were never given.

What happened to Kathleen Nolan on The Real McCoys?

She volunteers to direct a local amateur production to raise money for the Grange. Just before The Real McCoys ended as an ABC series, Nolan quit the series due to a contract dispute and was written out of the remaining scripts; her character died, but details were never given.

Why did Kate leave The Real McCoys show?

She volunteers to direct a local amateur production to raise money for the Grange. Just before The Real McCoys ended as an ABC series, Nolan quit the series due to a contract dispute and was written out of the remaining scripts; her character died, but details were never given.
