Meet Haven Barlow, the ex-husband of ex-FLDS member and escapee Ruby Jessop. Below, you’ll read where he is today and his age. In addition, we’ll also discuss his job and his relationship with Ruby at the time of this article.
Keep scrolling down this article to learn more about Haven Barlow.
Meet Haven Barlow, Ruby Jessop Ex-Husband
Haven Barlow was the husband of Ruby Jessop but their marriage wasn’t planned particularly. Ruby, who was held in the FLDS church compound for more than 10 years, was forced to marry her step-brother Haven Barlow in 2001. According to Church of Lies, Ruby called her sister Flora to tell her that she was married to Haven Barlow.
When Flora asked, “Who is Haven Barlow?” Ruby replied: “He’s our stepbrother. His mother’s a Jessop, she’s our cousin. His father was a grandson of John Y Barlow”. John Barlow was a co-founder of FLDS and served as a prophet from 1935 to 1949.
According to Ruby, Rulon had kicked out Haven’s father at the same time, he kicked out their Dad, and his mother got assigned to Fred Jessop (uncle Fred) too. I hate Haven, He’s horrible”.
Flora then asked, “why’d you end up with Haven?” Ruby replied, “Because they caught me kissing Joe Rohbock”. Ruby liked Joe but their relationship wasn’t sanctioned and they were labeled evil. Although she pleaded with Rulon to let her marry Joe, he assigned her to Haven Barlow.
On 19 December 2012, Ruby filed for divorce, after escaping from FLDS.
She reportedly filed for divorce and child custody in Mohave County Superior Court in Kingman. The initial filing revealed that Ruby was 14-years-old when assigned to John Haven Barlow, 21, on 23 April 2001. Their “celestial marriage” was performed supported by the FLDS and held in Caliente, Nevada.
Ruby had explained that she wasn’t sure if it was what she had truly wanted, although she didn’t have any say in it. They were legally married in Nevada two days after she turned 16, on 5 May 2002. They were married before a judge in St. George, Utah.
They ended up sharing 6 children together. According to the court document from January 2013, they were 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 10 years old at the time. They are named Smithy, Jewelle, Millie, Ernie, Sequoia, and Nettie. Ruby asked for custody of the children, claiming she had been denied access to them after leaving her husband last year.
In 2012, Ruby “escaped” during a 15-minute window when her husband was away with the kids, and she had no choice but to flee on her own and leave them behind.
The divorce documents also revealed that FLDS and Town Marshal officials ran interference for Haven when Sam Brower followed him to serve divorce and child custody paperwork to Barlow on 8 Jan 2013.
Where Is Haven Barlow Today? Is He Still With FLDS?
After Ruby escaped from the FLDS church, Flora Jessop the sister of Ruby Barlow also made some allegations against Haven Barlow. In her book, Flora accused Haven of violently rap*ng her sister. According to the book, Ruby to her, “On my wedding night; I had just started my period and it hurt really bad”.
“I begged and begged him not to touch me,” Ruby said to Flora. “But he ripped my dress off and shredded my clothes. He told me he owned me, and I had to obey him. I screamed for hours. Everybody heard me”. Flora asked, “That son of a bit*h rap*d you?”
“Yeah…he did”.
Flora shared that she was so violently Haven that she almost died from the hemorrhaging. And, that her mother, only “a couple of doors down,” was not allowed to intervene.
However, a writer named Gary D Naler, claimed in his blog that he had his first phone interview with Haven and Ruby. He wrote on his blog, “I asked Haven and Ruby specifically about these stunning accusations; and even knowing all that I know about Flora, I was not prepared for their answer. Frankly, based on what I had read and heard, in my own mind, I had formed more gracious possibilities, though still surrounding these purported accusations. But I was totally taken aback that the facts were not anywhere near what Flora has viciously spread.”
Gary quoted shared on his blog, “Did Haven brutally ra*e Ruby, and did she almost hemorrhaged to death? When I asked them if this was true, Ruby quickly answered, “Absolutely not! I was never rap*d.” Haven added, “I absolutely wouldn’t do that. I’d give my life to protect her.” Even before hearing this, two men who personally know Haven assured me that there was no way he would have done that. It was totally contrary to his nature, his character, and his upbringing.”
Gary shared that he also talked to Ruby’s mother Pat who confirmed, “Yes, I was there at the ceremony. Haven would not do these kinds of actions, let alone hurt anyone, and there is no truth in Flora’s claims of any brutality.” According to the blog, the fact is, Haven and Ruby had no sexual relations whatsoever that evening, or even in the days to come, and not even in the months that followed.
Today, it appears that Haven has left the FLDS. He is active on Facebook.
Haven Barlow Wife Now
Haven Barlow remarried his new wife in May 2019. According to the comments on Facebook, his new wife is fluent in the Russian language. Besides that, not much is known about her.
Haven Barlow Age
In 2022, Haven Barlow is 42 years old.
Is Haven Barlow On Facebook?
Yes, You can find Haven Barlow on Facebook (@haven.barlow.9).
Haven Barlow Job
Haven Barlow’s current job is working as a firefighter/paramedic 2. He served as a member of the Marshal’s Office as well as the fire department. He was employed at Hurrican Valley Fire SSD. In 2018/2019, he served as Engine Boss Firefighter/Medic. According to OpenPayrolls, he received a payment of $106,317.70 as salary in 2020.
Related FAQs
Where Was Haven Barlow Born?
Haven Barlow’s birthplace is Hildale, Utah.
Does Haven barlow Appear On Netflix’s Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey?
No, Haven Barlow doesn’t appear on Netflix’s Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey.