After producing a series of successful travel documentaries last year such as Restaurants on the Edge and Extreme Engagement, Netflix is back with another hit. The brand new docuseries Twogether launched to the streaming platform on Friday, June 26th.
It follows as two multitalented actors in their home countries come together to travel around six major cities in Asia. They have to complete missions when in each city, even though they do not speak each other’s language.
Given that neither of the Twogether cast’s stars know each other, many viewers want to know more about the show and why it was made. So, who are the two stars of Twogether?

Twogether: Netflix cast
- Lee Seung-gi
- Jasper Liu
Meet the cast: Who is Lee Seung-gi?
Lee Seung-gi is a singer, actor, host, and entertainer famous in his home of South Korea. Lee was born on January 13th, 1987 making him 33 years old.
Lee Seung-gi was first included in Forbes’ Korea Power Celebrity list in 2010 and has featured three following years (2011, 2012, 2015) if that is an indicator of the importance of Lee Seung-gi!
His first breakout into the entertainment industry was as a singer in 2004 (he was 17 years old at the time). Lee Seung-gi had some success as a rising K-Pop artist and in 2010, his song ‘Smile Boy’ even became the official FIFA World Cup commercial song in South Korea.
Lee has gone on to star in many successful Korean films and has worked as a presenter on many TV shows. Twogether is his first collaboration with Netflix.
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Meet Jasper Liu
Jasper, who is also 33 years old, is from Taipei, Taiwan. He was born on August 12th, 1986.
The Taiwanese star is known for his music career, acting and modelling. Jasper’s early modelling career started in 2008 at the age of 21. This was in his final year at Dayeh University, where he obtained a degree in visual design.
Over the next three years, Jasper cemented his place as a model and entertainer in the industry. His breakout acting role came in 2011 when he starred as Mei Nam in TV drama In Time with You. This year also saw Jasper Liu join the band Morning Call. The group only disbanded in 2019.
Jasper Liu has gone on to star in Pleasantly Surprised (2014), When I See You Again (2016), and the film More than Blue (2018). All the while he has worked as a male model, appearing in the likes of Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar Magazine, and GQ.
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Follow Jasper and Lee on Instagram
If you have not heard of Jasper and Lee before Twogether, then it may come as a surprise to find that the Netflix stars have millions of followers.
Lee Seung-gi has over 2.5 million followers and you can check him out under the handle @leeseunggi.official.
You can also follow Jasper on Instagram @ryu19860812.