What Disability Does Katie Have On Love On The Spectrum? Celebrity

Katie from Love on the Spectrum Season 2 has Down Syndrome. Find out how her family supports her. Katie’s Down Syndrome does not faze her from pursuing goals. In the past, narratives about disability and romance have rarely stayed true to that promise.

Ronan and Katie were beloved by fans in season 2 of Love on the Spectrum. From their first picnic date to Ronan teaching Katie racecar driving skills at the arcade, these two seemed to perfect for each other. When season two came to a close, they still were seen together.

Autistic representation on television is rare, which makes it all the more alienating when these few depictions exist purely for everyone else’s warm-n-fuzzies. This is an inherent problem with disability dating shows. Most other dating shows are advertised as sexy and salacious. By contrast, our attempts at love are ‘ adorable ‘.

Katie from Heartland was being played by twins Kiera and Jordan Habart between Season 5 and Season 7, when she was just an infant. From Season 8 to Season 11, Julia Maren Baker took the part. Then, in Season 12, Ziya Matheson came to the scene and she performed Katie for two years.

Is autism a fault of society?

Autism is not our fault, but it’s still not an excuse for perpetuating ignorance once we know better.

Autism presents differently in each person, so there’ll never be one form of ideal representation, but the role of autistic people in shaping their own narratives cannot be overstated. A lot of viewers may appreciate Love on the Spectrum and The Undateables as feelgood, low-effort ways to learn about disability.

Social gaffes are inevitable for autistic people, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t responsible for learning, particularly if our behaviour inadvertently feeds into stereotypes. An essential balance exists between relaxing the neurotypical standards of etiquette, but not condoning hurtfulness as funny or innocuous.

