Who Is Noel Holmes? Her Bio, Age, Job

Growing up, Elizabeth Holmes’s life was in the hands of her mother Noel Holmes. It was as if she had programmed her and dumped all the hopes and dreams that Elizabeth ever had.

Learn more about Elizabeth’s mother in this article. Here we cover Noel’s age, job, family, and role in all of this.

Meet Noel Holmes, Elizabeth Holmes Mother

Before Elizabeth Holmes got caught for her fraudulent ways, Noel Anne Holmes barely made any public appearance. Unlike her husband Christian Holmes IV, she maintained a low public profile. In 2014, when Theranos stood proud, she told Fortune, about her daughter’s determination.

She shared, “I saw her sit down at the computer, and for five to six days she barely got up … I would bring her food occasionally, and she slept maybe one or two hours a night for five nights.” Then, she became supportive of Elizabeth’s decision to quit Stanford and start her own company.

Noel told the outlet, “You want them to do something they’re passionate about. To follow their dream To help people To change the world. So we said, ‘Of course. Go do this.’”

However, her exasperated neighbor Richard Fuisz thought it otherwise. Speaking with Forbes, he explained, “Noel programmed Elizabeth to be like me, invent and learn a language. I am a psychiatrist and family practitioner and would tell a father and mother not to treat their child that way. She’ll be what she’ll be.”

Richard faulted Noel for her indulging her daughter’s childhood fantasies. He explained to Inc., “Elizabeth’s mother, Noel, told my ex-wife about Elizabeth’s idea for a wrist bracelet with needles that would test peoples’ blood in real-time, detect diseases, and administer drugs all in the same device. These are the thoughts of a child.”

But one of Theranos’s whistleblowers Tyler Shultz shared that she wasn’t very close to her parents. He explained in his memoir, “There was a weird situation where my parents kept telling [Holmes] to invite her parents, and they just kind of assumed that she did. And then my grandparents were talking to Elizabeth’s parents on the phone, and Elizabeth’s parents were completely unaware she was having a 30th birthday party, so it didn’t seem she was very close with her parents at all.”

Noel Holmes Age

Born on 21 January 1951, Noel Holmes is 71 years old as of March 2022.

Noel Holmes Job

Business Insider reported that Elizabeth Holmes’s mother Noel Holmes worked as a congressional staffer before giving birth to Elizabeth. Noel worked as a foreign policy and defense aide on Capitol Hill. LEGISTORM reported that she worked for former Rep. Jack Murtha from 2007 to 2009 as a staff assistant.

Then, Noel took the title of assistant to Rep. Murtha from 2009 to 2010 in the House Appropriations Committee. Whereas from May 2010 to June 30, Noel worked for Former Rep. Mark Critz as Senior Legislative Assistant. From 2010 to 2013, she had worked for Rep. Critz as Legislative Director.

Bustle reported that Noel also worked as a foreign policy aide for Rep. Charlie Wilson who was the subject of Charlie Wilson’s War. After her children were born, she decided to stay home.

What Is Noel Holmes Maiden Name?

Noel Holmes’s maiden name is Daoust. She was born to her parents George Arlington Daoust Jr. and Amy Mary Elizabeth Pover in Georgia.

Related FAQs

  • Where Is Noel Holmes From?

Noel Holmes is originally from Georgia. She is currently living in California.

  • What Is Noel Holmes Net Worth?

Noel Holmes’s net worth is under $500 thousand.
