What happened to Sandra Bullocks mother?

Between 2010 and 2014, Sandra Bullock was rated as the highest-paid actress and the world’s 100 most influential people by Time magazine.

For her work in The Blind Side, she received a Golden Globe and an Academy Award.

Helga Meyer cause of death: What happened to Sandra Bullocks mother?

Bullock’s mother died in the year 2000 after battling cancer for years. Her departure from this world affected the renowned actress deeply.

In a touching interview with Today, Bullock had this to say about her mother’s death: “Before my mom passed away, we had a moment at her bedside where I was shut down and trying not to cry. She simply said, ‘Don’t be like me.'”

“In that moment a lot of our lifetime together had been explained,” the actress shared. “She didn’t want me to go through life shut down, afraid of feeling. Well, life has made sure I feel everything now, and I’m not ashamed to admit it anymore.”

“It took me two years to accept that she’s not here. It doesn’t get easier, it just gets harder. But it’s a good thing because I feel it and I value it and I am not rushing through life,” she added.

Source: Ghanafuo.com
