Meet Mr. Ghafur Djawadi and Mrs. Djawadi

On July 19, 1974, Ramin Djawadi was born in Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.  What made him most well-known was the music he wrote for HBO programs like Westworld and Game of Thrones. The German-Iranian composer received many Grammy nominations and two Emmy Awards for his work on Game of Thrones. His musical career began with the Iron Man and Prison Break soundtracks for Marvel films.

Since then, he has written soundtracks for video games including Gears of War 4 and Medal of Honor. Djawadi has recently added projects to his resume like Marvel’s Eternals and the Uncharted movie adaptation, making him a well-known name in the world of film scoring.

Ramin is the first television composer in history to have a live orchestra join him on a tour of the country solely dedicated to the music from the Game of Thrones television series. Throughout his tenure on the program, Ramin received high marks from reviewers, musicians, and spectators alike, but his fame really took off with The Winds of Winter, the season 6 finale.

Ramin Djawadi parents: Meet Mr. Ghafur Djawadi and Mrs. Djawadi

Ramin was born in Duisburg, Germany, to Mrs. Djawadi, a German, and Iranian named Ghafur Djawadi. On the other side, there is little online information on Ramin Djawadi’s parents.
