Dateline: Secrets Uncovered: Who is James Lapan?

Dateline: Secrets Uncovered season 10, episode 23 covers the brutal murder of Nicolas Morelos at the hands of a coworker named James Lapan. The murder sent shockwaves across Tucson, Arizona, simply due to the sheer brutality of the murder. Nicolas, an ex-marine, was shot eight times with one shot to the middle of the head.

Being a ladies' man and a tough boss, there were plenty of enemies that could be possible suspects for Nic's murder. It turned out that it was indeed a belittled co-worker who was jealous of Nicolas. The authorities successfully apprehended James Lapan, with almost all evidence pointing in his direction. He was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole.

The synopsis for the episode, titled Stone Cold, read:

"Nick popped the question and Kristy said yes; they were busy planning their future when she found him dead in the bedroom; police questioned spurned lovers and office enemies before a tip from Nick's brother helped reveal the true killer."

The episode is slated for a re-run on November 29, 2022. It is also available for streaming on DirectTV. Read on for more details about Nicolas Morelos' murder.

James Lapan: Who is he and what did he do?

James Lapan was a Tucson native who worked at Marana Aerospace Solutions. He was a co-worker of Nicolas Morelos' and allegedly did not get along well with the ex-marine. He also reportedly complained to HR several times about Nic. As tough and dedicated as Nic was, it was not an uncommon practice in the office.

Nicolas was found dead on the floor of his bedroom with eight bullets on his body, including one to his head in July 2016. His fiancee called 911 to report the murder. As the police sprung to action, they knew that there was a long list of suspects to filter.

After investigating his past relationships and possible past grudges, the authorities learned from the HR rep that James Lapan, who frequently complained about Nicolas, had bandages on his arm shortly after the murder. This placed him on the suspicion list along with many others. HR also recalled:

"He said that if I don’t handle it, he has his own way of handling things and just bolted right out of my office,"

Another thing that stood out about Lapan was that he was dating one of Nic's exes at the time.

After a flawed explanation for his injury, the police took out a warrant to search his home. Authorities discovered the same bullet case at James Lapan's house that they had found at the crime scene. They also found a firearm box and a silencer, all indicating that he was the murderer.

Further DNA testing also confirmed the suspicion. Jessica denied any involvement in the murder and claimed to have no knowledge of the same. There was not enough evidence to suggest that Jessica was involved. However, testimonies from Jessica and Nic's wife ensured that Lapan was charged with first-degree murder.

James Lapan was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. He is currently in prison.

Dateline: Secrets Uncovered covers this case in detail.

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