Who is Dave Myers' wife?

Who is Dave Myers

Dave Myers, the chef at Hairy Bikers, recently revealed that he is battling cancer and is undergoing chemotherapy.

The 64-year-old rose to prominence as one of the Hairy Bikers cooking duo, along with his friend and fellow chef Si King.

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Liliana Orzac: Who is Dave Myers’ wife?

Myers discussed his diagnosis on the Hairy Bikers – Agony Uncles podcast with 55-year-old King.

According to him, he wanted to let the cat out and that he wanted to come clean because he hasn’t been feeling well for some time.

I’ve got to have some chemo, you know all this anyway, so this year is going to be a bit quiet for me, I’m not going to be filming, I’m not going to be able to go to some of the festivals, some may be OK, but this year’s a bit of a write-off for us. Myers went further.

How long have they been married?

Dave married his beautiful wife Liliana Orzac over a decade and a half ago.

Who are their children?

Currently, the couple are not having kids together however, Dave has two stepkids.
