Mira Sorvino Breast Implants Plastic Surgery Before and After

[ads1 id=”alignright”]Rumor has it that Mira Sorvino went under the knife at least once over these past few years, for a different procedure each time.

According to these rumors, she not only has breast implants, but she is also a fan of Botox injections and facial fillers in general.

Naysayers also believe that Mira had a nose job at some point, but judging by the way her nose looks, it doesn’t appear to be true.

First of all, some people have pointed out how much bigger her breasts are nowadays compared to how they used to look like just a few years ago. Truth be told, it does seem like her breasts have gotten slightly bigger over time, so there might be some truth to this rumor after all.

If we are to compare recent pictures of Mira with pictures of her from just a few years ago, we see plenty of evidence suggesting that Mira Sorvino had breast augmentation surgery at some point over these past few years.

Mira Sorvino Breast Implants Plastic Surgery Before and After

Mira Sorvino Breast Implants Plastic Surgery Before and After

Now, it has to be said that Mira’s breasts weren’t actually small to begin with, it’s just that her current chest is much bigger than before, all signs pointing towards an alleged breast augmentation surgery.

Mira Sorvino Breast Implants Plastic Surgery Before and After

Mira Sorvino Breast Implants Plastic Surgery Before and After

Furthermore, when looking at Mira’s face these days, we can see small signs of Botox use, judging by how stiff her expressions have become especially when smiling.

Last but not least, some people are also saying that Mira Sorvino had jaw surgery at some point, and / or a chin implant considering how the shape of her chin changed ever so slightly over time.

Whatever the case, it has to be said that Mira Sorvino looks a lot different today than how she used to look just a few years ago, and it isn’t just due to aging or makeup alone.
