The Rock to make his WWE return at Royal Rumble in Tampa? Analyzing him following John Cena's footst

Royal Rumble 2023 will take place at the famous Tropicana Field in Tampa, Florida, and it will be a magnificent sight to behold. One of the things that can add grandeur to the January extravaganza is The Rock's homecoming.

With WWE announcing Tampa as Royal Rumble's venue for next year, there has been a whirlwind of speculation about Dwayne Johnson's potential return. It is because Tampa holds great significance for The Brahma Bull, as he lived two golden years of his teenage life there.

The Rock can possibly follow in John Cena's footsteps amid the SAG-AFTRA strike and return to WWE at Royal Rumble next year. The 51-year-old is one of the most venerated names in the Anoa'i family. He is destined to be part of The Bloodline's saga at some point in WWE.

Moreover, Paul Heyman also said that the storyline is currently at the bottom of the third inning, hinting that it has a long way to go. Thus, one of the chapters of it might tell the tale of Roman Reigns vs. The Rock. It is arguably the most-anticipated match in sports entertainment.

Therefore, if WWE is cooking up a blockbuster match between the two Samoan superstars for WrestleMania 40, The Great One should make his most-awaited return at Tropicana Field in Tampa, Florida, next year.

Exploring the possibility of The Rock's return at Royal Rumble 2023

The Rock has yet to make his much-awaited WWE return

The logistics are murky when it comes to The Rock's potential WWE return. There's no denying the fact that if The Great One ever makes his way to the Stamford-based promotion, it will only be to have a dream match against Roman Reigns on The Grandest Stage of Them All.

Therefore, if The Rock makes his miraculous return at Royal Rumble next year, it could possibly be to set up a match against The Tribal Chief at WrestleMania 40. However, the possibility of it happening is quite low, as there are currently no rumors or reports of it.

WWE is reportedly planning Roman Reigns vs. Cody Rhodes II for WrestleMania XL. The American Nightmare failed to finish his story at last year's Mania. Therefore, he will seek retribution and fulfill his dream by dethroning The Tribal Chief and capturing the title.

WWE is seemingly preparing Cody Rhodes for this mega bout, so The Rock's return at Royal Rumble 2023 looks implausible at the moment. However, if he returns, fans can expect him to sow the seeds of his blockbuster match against Roman Reigns on WWE's grandest stage.

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