Here's Who Inherited Walt Disney's Money After He Died

Despite the fact that their wealth allows them to own things like private jets and multi-million-dollar estates, not every member of the Disney family is enjoying the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Abigail Disney, the granddaughter of Walt's brother, Roy, has donated more than $70 million since receiving her inheritance nearly 40 years ago, according to The Cut, and frequently speaks on the need for measures like a wealth tax to combat inequality.

"It's fundamental to remember that you're just a member of the human race, like everybody else, and there's nothing about your money that makes you better than anyone else," Abigail Disney told The Cut. "If you don't know that and you have money, it's the road to hell, no matter how much stuff you have around you."

Though many of the Disney family are tight-lipped about exactly how much they have inherited and what the full extent of the fortune is, Abigail has stated it is enough to "be a billionaire" if she wanted to be (via The Cut). While so much of Walt Disney's fortune is tied up in court between his direct descendants, those who have access to the family's assets seem to be able to live pretty comfortably.
