Cartel Crew: Where are Marie Ramirez De Arellanos parents? Why the family no longer talks Tu

Cartel Crew is back in 2021 with a brand new season. Episode 1 aired on June 7th on VH1 and there’s a whole lot going on in season 3. Eddie Soto, Kat Flores and the rest of the crew are on from 9 pm ET on Mondays.

Marie Ramirez De Arellano has appeared on the show alongside her husband Michael Blanco since 2019. If there’s one thing that’s important to the cast of Cartel Crew it’s their family. So, let’s find out more about Marie’s relationship with her parents in 2021.

Who is Cartel Crew’s Marie?

Cartel Crew’s Marie is Cuban and was born and raised in Miami, Florida.

She’s 34 years old and celebrates her birthday on February 15th. In a 2020 interview with Voyage MIA, it seems that Marie was close to her family growing up, she said: “I helped my parents a lot with their courier company when I was in middle school as a part-time job“.

Marie has a brother but, judging by the VH1 series, she no longer speaks to her family.

Why doesn’t Marie talk to her family?

It’s clear that Marie’s relationship with her family has broken down on Cartel Crew.

According to Fox4Now, “she’s lost touch with her family largely because of her relationship with Michael Blanco“.

She and Michael, who is the son of Griselda Blanco, met in 2015 and had their first child together in 2016.

Heavy reported that Marie said: “…Ever since I told my father who I was with, my family completely cut me off. They don’t understand why I would be with Griselda Blanco’s son, and now this little family that Michael and I have built is all I have left…”

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How long has their contact been broken?

Throwing it all the way back to 2019, Marie can be seen planning a second birthday party for her daughter, Faith.

Marie said during a VH1 clip: “Maybe her second birthday they’ll come along. I think my dad will eventually get over it“.

Michael said: “I would love for her to know her grandparents… It’s obvious, babe, they don’t want to be a part of my daughter’s life. They don’t want to be a part of your life with us.“

It seems that Marie’s contact with her family broke down around six years ago when she first met Michael and told her father who she was dating.

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