Is it safe to eat fermented pineapple?

You should be fine. Fermented pineapple juice is actually a pretty common drink in Mexico. Tepache is awesome and you make it with just the core and rind, so you can eat the pineapple flesh and make (weak) booze with just the stuff you would throw away anyway plus some sugar and water. I love fermented pineapple!Click to see full answer. Simply so, is it OK to eat fizzy pineapple?Fizzy = off. Don’t do it! Personally I would eat it, if it was palatable. I know what you mean by the fizzy taste, it’s beginning to ferment but it is still safe.Subsequently, question is, can you get sick from eating bad pineapple? Pineapple food poisoning is possible. The skin of a pineapple can be contaminated by bacteria such as staphylococcus and then transferred to the edible parts when being cut. Staph food poisoning can occur as soon as 30 mins after eating and symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, and stomach ache. In respect to this, can fermented pineapple make you drunk? Yes, it happens, but take your pineapple and cut it in small pieces, put these in you blender submerged in water and add four table spoons of sugar and blend. don’t get too drunk.Can you get sick from eating fermented fruit?Most of us don’t intentionally eat moldy produce, but it can happen without realizing. “If you accidentally eat a piece of fruit with mold, [chances are] nothing is going to happen,” Gravely told HuffPost. Most people won’t get sick from eating moldy foods. Of course, some people are more sensitive than others.
