Who was Evelyn McHale and why did she kill herself so beautifully?

Evelyn McHale’s story is unique and sad. While her life ended tragically, it also marked the beginning of her fame. Though it’s been a handful of decades since this Virgo intentionally ended her life, history has refused to forget her.

Evelyn is widely known for what many call a “beautiful suicide.” Read on to learn more about her life and why she did what she did.

Who was Evelyn McHale?

Born May 1, 1947 in Berkeley, California; Evelyn McHale was just 23 years old when she committed suicide on May 1, 1970. Her father Vincent worked as a bank auditor with his then-wife Helen Constance Mchale before the divorce.

After the divorce, Vincent moved to Tuckahoe, New York after assuming sole responsibility for the kids. Evelyn was a tough dreamer. After graduating from high school, she joined the Women’s Army Corps and began her service in Jefferson City, Missouri. However, she later left and burned her uniform.

Until her death, Evelyn worked as an accountant at the Kitab Engraving Company in Manhattan, and took the job after moving to Baldwin, New York. The lovely lady found love with Barry Rhodes but couldn’t survive walking down the aisle with him.

Why did she commit such a beautiful suicide?

Evelyn McHale wrote a beautiful sad note about why she couldn’t live another day. Excerpts from her suicide note read: “I do not want anyone in or from my family to see any part of me. Could you destroy my body by cremation? I beg you and my family – have no ministry for me or remembrance for me.

“My fiancé asked me to marry him in June. I don’t think I would make anyone a good wife. He’s much better off without me. Tell my father I have too many of my mother’s tendencies. “

Evelyn committed suicide on April 30, 1947. She made the decision to end her life shortly after returning from her then-fiancé, Barry Rhodes. Coincidentally, Evelyn left Barry’s apartment and went to the 103-story Empire State Building. When she got to the 86th floor, Evelyn jumped down and landed cross-legged on a parked car. Her hands lightly gripped a beaded necklace around her neck. She posed like a model for death.

In search of what happened between us, before Barry and she reached the scene, Barry told Detective Frank Murry that he had no idea why she would take her own life. He continued to elaborate on how he kissed her and she giggled about their upcoming wedding.

Subsequently, it was concluded that Evelyn Mchalewas afraid to be like her mother. She also believed that she would not be the perfect wife for Barry. Logically, it rings that her parents’ divorce affected her psychologically as a child. Her mother left her father for no apparent reason and was later diagnosed with mental illness.

Evelyn first hinted at her bad feelings about the marriage at Barry’s brother’s wedding, where she tore her dress after serving as a bridesmaid and later burned the dress.

Many wonder why a terrible event could be calledbeautiful, well, Evelyn had the most amazing fall ever. In fact, a picture she recently took of Robert Miles made the photography student famous. Robert’s shot of Evelyn was named Picture of the Week in the May 12, 1947 issue of Life magazine.

The image shows a lady who purposely had her legs crossed and her hands on her pearl. Looking at the picture from afar, one can assume that Evelyn was just relaxing or posing for a photo shoot.

Every wish she had on her suicide note was granted to her. Nonetheless, the wish that no one would remember her never saw the light of day. She became popular after her death with her photography painted and renamed by many artists.

Evelyn Mchale’s death left the legacy on her photo was a theoretical example of the analysis of causes of death. It was viewed by Malcolm Wilde Browne and compared to the death of Tich Quang Duc, a monk who committed suicide by burning himself. The image inspired Andy Warhol’s work entitled Suicide ( Gefallen Autowork) and the Saccharine Trust album cover for You Survive, Always. The incident is also said to have inspired David Bowie’s single, Jump, They Say.

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