1000-lb Sisters star Chris waits for skin removal surgery after tremendous weight loss We

Chris Combs is the brother of 1000-lb Sisters stars Tammy and Amy, and after his ‘tremendous’ weight loss, his next step is skin removal surgery.

1000-lb Sisters mainly focuses on the weight loss of Tammy and Amy Slaton, however, brother Chris Combs has become a fan favorite and has also been sharing his journey with TLC viewers.

We take a look at where Chris Combs stands in his skin removal surgery journey, after being approved for weight loss surgery.

Chris Combs is desperate for skin removal surgery on 1000-lb Sisters

After being approved for weight loss surgery in season 3, Chris is now ready for the next step and is desperate for skin removal surgery. He says the extra skin is ‘killing his confidence.’

He also claims that he has issues with sweat and body odor getting in the “cracks and crevices” of his “jelly roll.”

Chris’ humor, among many other things, has made him a favorite with 1000-lb Sisters fans. He also described himself as “a prune with all the folds of flesh.”

However, in true Chris Combs style, he assures his wife Brittany that he’ll be “sexiness in a bottle” once he has the surgery done.

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Chris hasn’t been approved for skin removal surgery on 1000-lb Sisters ‘just yet’

In 1000-lb Sisters, we saw Dr. Smith tell Chris that he can’t have skin removal surgery just yet.

Instead of the weight loss goal being a number he needs to hit, the doctor said the plastic surgeon will want to see stable weight loss before he performs the surgery.

Describing Chris’ weight loss as ‘tremendous’ so far, he then sets Chris another goal before he can have the skin removal surgery.

With the way Chris has been motivated in the past, we’re sure he’ll be approved in no time!

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Chris’ weight loss journey on 1000-lb Sisters

By the end of 1000-lb Sisters season 3, Chris lost 140 pounds thanks to the weight loss surgery.

As well as this, he said he no longer has to use any insulin medications to help manage his diabetes.

On the show, we heard Chris saying he wanted the weight loss surgery as his dad passed away at 57, weighing around 400-500 lbs.

Fans love how dedicated Chris is to his weight loss journey, as he tells the TLC camera how he exercises every day, and sticks to his diet.

I love Chris off of 1000lb sisters!!

— TK DA DON🪬 (@spenderellaaaa) March 23, 2021
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