Stephanie Dowhan Obituary, Death Cause – During the course of our conversation, we talked about our childhoods and how life may be challenging at times. We frequently reenacted the most joyful experiences that we had ever experienced together, and we talked about the times that we have already experienced together. During our earlier years, we were known to get into mischief rather frequently, and we spoke fondly about those days.
To the point that we were crying, we were so delighted. We did not stop crying until there were no more tears left in our eyes until we were exhausted. You are a member of my family, and you were a member of your family. I belong to your family. The one and only friendship that has endured the longest. You emanate such a radiant and wonderful energy, and you used to have such a profound affection for the people who were closest to you.
You wished for everyone to engage in conversation with one another and to ensure that they remained connected throughout their entire lives. I would appreciate it if you could acknowledge my appreciation for the synced swimming and diving events. Playing football and performing tricks on the trampoline are two examples. There are a variety of activities that we engage in, including but not limited to: having sleepovers, dressing up as idiots, taking selfies with a webcam, and coming up with bizarre dances and songs.
An activity that involves baking cookies and playing a game of blackjack The joyrides, the home parties, and the laughter that we shared. Quite a great deal. Due of my laughter, my stomach is hurting. I had a wonderful friend, and during the time that we were growing up together, we enjoyed a lot of wonderful times. Despite the fact that the time we were able to spend together was far too short, I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to do so. The impression that you have made on both my mind and my emotions is one that cannot be erased. Angel, I will see you at a later time but not right now.