What happened to Jacksons legs on Little People Big World? Surgery update Tue 1 June 2021 14

Jackson Roloff is the son of Zach and Tori on TLC’s Little People Big World. Recently, they found out he might need surgery on his legs.

The Roloffs, known as a unique family of dwarves, have allowed cameras to follow their daily lives for years. Now, son Zach has become a parent.

Jackson’s parents noticed that his legs were starting to bow a little bit, which is one thing that has led to concern about their children’s health.

So, what happened to Jackson’s legs on Little People Big World? Did he get surgery? Let’s explore their social media to get an update.

What happened to Jackson Roloff’s legs?

Zach and Tori noticed that Jackson’s legs were starting to bow a little bit.

They planned to take Jackson, 4, into the doctor’s surgery to check if he does eventually need leg surgery.

Jackson has a bone growth disorder called achondroplasia, which is thought to be the cause of his bowlegs.

Tori revealed that she didn’t want it to get to a point where he’s hurting, because she’s “pretty sure it’s going to have to be dealt with at some point”.

She added that she wants to make sure they are ready to move on it, and that she wants to avoid two surgeries like Zach had.

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Did Jackson Roloff get leg surgery?

Although Zach and Tori are aware that he may need leg surgery at some point, it doesn’t seem as though he has actually had the procedure yet.

Zach had two surgeries, his first when he was between eight and nine years old, which was growth plates and casts on both legs.

Then when he was 14 or 15, he had it on his right leg, which is the one with pins, and says he remembers that it was painful at a young age.

Neither Zach or Tori have announced Jackson’s surgery as of yet, but this could be part of a contract with TLC not to give away spoilers.

Jackson Roloff’s legs: Update

Looking at recent pictures, Jackson does not appear to have surgery.

He also doesn’t appear to be in any pain as a result of bowing legs, and was seen smiling on his fourth birthday party.

Jackson went to his first day of school just a few months ago.

Several fans have been concerned about Jackson’s bowing legs in the past, with one commenting on a photo:

Great pic … I can’t help to notice Jackson’s legs. They look like [they] are curving even more. Is he in pain[?] Is there a way to correct [this] while he is young? Just asking out of concern.

And fans were relieved to hear Tori addressing the concerns.

She wrote back to the viewer: “He’s actually popping his hip here with some sass. It exaggerates the bowing. He is in no pain [what] so ever.”

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