When Did Marco Muzzo and Wife Taryn Hampton Get Married? His Jail Sentence and Lake Accident

Marco Muzzo, the one who was driving impaired and slammed into a vehicle killing three youngsters and their granddad never got to marry Taryn Hampton.

Marco was the one who was driving impaired when he was getting back from his unhitched female party. Nonetheless, the occasions turned hazier very soon as he overlooked the stop sign and slammed into a vehicle, bringing about the demise of 3 kids and their granddad.


Muzzo was getting back from Toronto Pearson International Airport at the hour of the deadly crash. He’d quite recently gotten off a plane from Miami, where he’d been partaking in his single man party.

Marco Muzzo and Wife Taryn Hampton Wedding Explored Marco and Taryn never got to proceed their wedding. The two were locked in and were arranging the arrangements for their impending wedding when Marco met with a horrendous destiny.

He became brought up in a wealthy family, because of his granddad’s dry-walling and land fortune. He had a solid situation at the family firm, where he had worked since he was permitted to clear the floors as a youngster, and he was prepared to wed Taryn Hampton. She had been his stone since the mishap.

Muzzo ventured out to Miami for his single man festivity and flew back to Toronto International Airport in a confidential plane not long after 3 p.m. As indicated by the laid out realities, it is hazy when he started drinking, what he drank, or with whom he drank, yet he become inebriated, vigorously inebriated to drive.

His blood-liquor level right now of effect was around 190 and 245 mg for each 100ml of blood, multiple times the legitimate driving constraint of 80, as indicated by criminological information.

The Neville-Lake kids were in a Grand Caravan close by their grandparents, Neriza and Gary Neville, and extraordinary grandma, Josephina Frias, en route to Brampton. Just the two ladies had the option to get away from the terrible mishap and get by.

Taryn has upheld Muzzo during this entire difficulty and furthermore is by all accounts shaken.

Marco Muzzo Sentence And Jail Time Explored Muzzo confessed to four charges of driving while inebriated that brought about death and two counts of driving while inebriated that brought about substantial harm. He got condemned to a decade in prison and a 12-year driving boycott in March of 2016.

Global News has learned that Edward Lake, the father of the three children killed in 2015 by impaired driver Marco Muzzo, was found deceased on Monday, the day after Father’s Day. https://t.co/WMaxLu5sPZ

— Global News Toronto (@globalnewsto) June 20, 2022

Muzzo was set free from a low-security prison in May 2020 and has been living in a public venue under severe management from that point forward.

Those specific necessities, which incorporate no liquor admission, abstaining from drinking places, keeping away from immediate or aberrant contact with his casualties, and not going to Brampton or York Region, will be applied to his total delivery. His lawful delivery date initially was June 18, 2022, while his warrant expiry date is July 28, 2025, the finish of his term.

Who Is Edward Lake And What Happened To Him? Edward Lake is the dad whose three youngsters and father by marriage were killed in an auto crash in Vaughan in 2015 brought about by an alcoholic driver.

He has as of late ended his own life. A Peel Regional Police official found Lake’s dead body on Charters Rd. in Brampton on Monday.

As per reports, he was liberated from Peel Officer’s guardianship in the first part of the day after short-term restriction because of an emotional well-being organization and a fight at his home on Father’s Day in which police utilized a Taser.
