The brutal murder of 20-year-old Vicki Ross in 1987 is the subject of Oxygen's latest episode of Exhumed: Killer Revealed. Titled Loved to Death, the episode will air on June 12, 2022 at 8 pm ET. It will focus on the numerous aspects of the investigation and the circumstances that led to Ross' murder. The episode's synopsis on Rotten Tomatoes states:
''Fun-loving Vicki Ross is found dead in her car, wrapped in an electric blanket; investigators zero in on a suspect by analyzing animal hair found at the scene, but only an exhumation can prove who killed this vibrant young woman.''Read further ahead to find out more details about Vicki Ross' killer Norman E. Wiegand and his current whereabouts.
Oxygen's Exhumed: Killer Revealed: Who is Vicki Ross' killer Norman E. Wiegand?
Norman E. Wiegand was reportedly an unemployed carpenter from New Orleans (obtained via Pikes Peak Library District). Wiegand had a criminal history prior to the murder of Vicki Ross. In 1974, he was convicted of rape and received a five-year probation. Four years later, he was again arrested and eventually received a seven-year sentence of hard labor. He was released from prison in 1981 for good behavior. He was reportedly arrested six times in Louisiana after being suspected of sexual assault.
According to Vicki Ross' ex-boyfriend Steen Andersen, who'd introduced his then-girlfriend to Wiegand, Ross and Wiegand had only been friends for a couple of months. He reportedly told police that they were friends only because Ross could get cocaine for Wiegand. Ross had allegedly earlier introduced Wiegand to her cocaine dealer.
On April 7, Vicki Ross was found dead by the police in her car near Fairview Cemetery in Old Colorado City. She was wrapped in a blanket in the backseat of her car. Search warrants revealed that Ross was strangled to death on April 3. Police found several lacerations on her mouth, wrists, and lower back.
In a major breakthrough discovery, police discovered that the blanket used to wrap Ross' body came from a garage shared by Wiegand along with other residents from his apartment. Wiegand was subsequently arrested on suspicion of first-degree murder. Many of their friends reportedly told investigators that Wiegand had earlier given Ross money to buy drugs.
Where is Norman E. Wiegand now?
Norman E. Wiegand was ultimately convicted of murdering Vicki Lee Ross and was sentenced to 46 years in prison. Police believe Wiegand killed Vicki Ross over an unpaid $30-$50 cocaine debt. During the trial, Chief Deputy District Attorney Robert Brown agreed to a second-degree murder plea bargain because of Wiegand's mental health issues. A psychiatrist reportedly told the court that Wiegand was mentally unstable at the time of committing the crime.
Wiegand earlier told the court that Ross accidentally choked herself after the two indulged in bondage s*x. However, Brown contested the claim, citing solid physical evidence that showed Ross was tied, beaten and strangled. Authorities also found blood and Ross' fingernails at Wiegand's home.
Wiegand was reportedly eligible for parole in 2014. However, according to various reports and social media posts, he died in prison in the summer of 2014 due to cancer.
You can watch Oxygen's Exhumed: Killer Revealed - Loved to Death on June 12, 2022.
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